Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yeah Yeah

Woohoo... I weight myself yesterday and today. Weight is 78kg... i know still overweight! but the point is I have shed 1.5kg since Day 1. Its considered a improvement and encouragment! Gan Bah Te!! Continued my gym yesterday, and there is much improvement for my back... GOOD NEWS too! This week i shall start a gym training twice a week.

I have been drinking my water (plain) everyday religiously, hoping to detoxify my system.
I read somewhere, in order to maximise the effect of any weight lost regimen, its always best to detox 1st as you body will be able to absorb the benefits of what is coming up next. Anyway, its really killing 2 bird with 1 stone as it helps to clear up my skin too.(my skin is real bad, so slight improvement Im happy already)

So now I been drinking water straight out of my water bottle, so i can monitor my intake. Surprisingly, I have been drinking 4 to 6 bottles of 400ml per day, tat will be like 1.6L -2.4L !!

Hope water can help to lose weight faster as im detoxifying.

Another sign that my body is detoxifying, I woke up with alot of dirt(aka shit) on my eyes. I know that is gross, but that is a sign our body is detoxifying which is dispelling all the toxic out of out body.

So Jia you to myself!!!
I shall ask my beautician for juices receipe later.

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