Thursday, December 18, 2008

Weighing Machine.... Reliable or not

Have been staying off gym for 2 weeks already, cuz i was seriously having bad bouts of migraine attacks and flu. Was far too stressed out from work, I booked a full body massage to de-stress.

Crap... Its either my weighing machine or their weighing machine is spolited. My weight still stands at 79.5... Holyshit so Nw Im back at square 1!!

But obviously, my clothes fits better now, my pants are losser.. and even the Tees i couldnt wear before fits again. What happen?? I ask Emma for a explaination on the numbers thingy

His explaination was "You might be losing weight, obvious results from the clothings. Weighing Machines, doesnt do much as you might have more muscle mass and less fat, and muscles are heavier." So I see..... more assured now.

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