Friday, April 10, 2015

they might not be the best

happen to found out that they are a group of personal trainer singapore and they are good at helping people achieve what they are good at. trainers help them to weight loss and fat loss with great result. they are a group of good trainer. they know what they are doing and its all done with steps. like what i say earlier they know what they suppose to do so dont be afraid to get engaged with them, plus they are friendly and great at helping too. do drop by at personal training singapore and give them a try and your support

we love them good train

there is a group of personal trainer in singapore and they are good at helping people achieve what they are good at. they people to weight loss and fat loss . they are a group of good trainer. they have a lot of experience in this area. they seem to know what they are doing and its all done with steps. like what i say earlier they know what they suppose to do so dont be afraid to get engaged with them, plus they are friendly and great at helping too. do drop by and give lose weight singapore a try. you wont regret it u just wish u have know them earlier.

this can be the trainer

they are a group of personal trainer in singapore and they are good at helping people achieve what they are good at. they people to weight loss singapore and fat loss singapore. they are a group of good trainer. they know what they are doing and its all done with steps. like what i say earlier they know what they suppose to do so dont be afraid to get engaged with them, plus they are friendly and great at helping too. do drop by and give losing weight a try.

here we are to this

The is a pet shop place provide service like dog boarding singapore and dog day care singapore service at yio chu kang area. i love what they do to my pets and they are great at handling animals themself. they love pet i guess thats why they give the best to the pets. the amount they charge are reasonable. they have such a great place and the set up was impressive and most of all the place are soothing and give me a home feeling. do not think twice of dropping by at dog grooming in singapore to let your pets enjoy the best.

now is it, must go.

The is a pet shop place provide service like dog grooming service at yio chu kang area. i love what they do to my pets and they are great at handling pets themself. they love animals i guess thats why they give the best to the animals. the price they provide are reasonable. they have such a lovely place and the set up was great and most of it the place are soothing and give me a home feeling. do not hesitate to drop by at dog grooming singapore to let your pets enjoy the best.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Finally... good or bad??

For the past few weeks or so, I have been losing my appetite over work...
Not sure if its good or bad.. but I did manage to lose 2kg.

Losing weight over stress is certainly not a good thing, but at least I shed..
I too realised, that my legs are stronger too, able to support my back , weight and all
I shall continue to gain strength!

Been too sick or too busy for Gym.. training has been inconsistent

This week I have been plague by the flu bug, rather serious this time,
I better be fine by this coming week... so no disruption to training again!

It has been a month we got back from Bangkok, and holy crap... can you imagine how dirty Bangkok is??!
WTF, Im still suffering from Acne outbreaks from the dirty air!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

I Eat and Eat and Eat!......

The medication is causing gastric pain, which in turn is making me hungry constantly.
At the rate im eating, I think i can balloon up quickly just over christmas.
For christ sake, Emma is timming my hunger pangs, accurate like a nursing baby, its exactly every 3 hrs. I will scream for food.
Lucky Im in malaysia, its not so accessible to get food, cuz you need to drive to get food, and I dont have a car, and we cant drive and there isnt any Macs delivery
So my only resort is , Milo and wholemeal bread.

Therefore , I decide I better do something about my diet, to eat lite and frequenty like every 3 hours. To Emma, its a good sign, he believe in the theory "Eat to lose weight".

Emma's theory - How it works:
1) Do not go on fasting diets! It only stops your metabolism rate and causing fats to be burn at a slower rate.

2) Eat light and small portion, split your 3 full meals into many small meals. In this way, you body will be able to digest and burn all the food intake completely, to make there is no excess to be converted into fats.

3) Eating frequently(small portion) means your body is working constantly, digesting the food, inturns increase metabolism rate. Therefore Fats are being burn off constantly.

Okay sounds amazing, should give it a try since i have no choice as I REALLY need to eat every 3 hours to fend off the gastric attacks. I just hope i wouldnt pile on extra weight during the festive season.

**Even my MIL ask if i put on weight, well isnt it obvious.... mom??!**

Lastest Updates on my Back Conditon:
I thought my back is getting better but clumsy me... almost slip and fell in the bathroom in the wee hours last night. Haiz I was still blur cuz Im half asleep.. its causing constant pain again the whole day today, but i was still able to go out for a few hours with the family. So its not getting as serious as DAY 1, so just hope for the better that the pain will be gone by tomorrow.

Marina was asking why am I so clumsy, still thought Im young meh!
Yeah right, I was clumsy since the day you know me dude! But yes, i think i need to learn to be more careful... haiz I guess age is catching up on me.

Im like a old lady trap in a 27 yr old FAT BODY!