Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hungry Freak

Yesterday Gym turns out fine... and Im totally refreshed this morning.
Woke up happy and feel good about myself too!!

last night dinner after gym WAS.....

Half a portion of Korean Beef Bimbimpak

Hahaha, Im not crazy lah... Trainer say can eat and he approved.. so I EAT lah
But i think in time to come, my Trainer will pile on weight instead.
His dinner was duck rice with extra serving of rice and half of my Bimbimpak.
Then when we reach home, he finish the last of my fruit & oat bar.
Weird, train me got so hungry meh??!

P/s: People like him are the one that u get mad with. He eat tonnes of
food and he lose weight
I eat less than half or even lesser but the weight pile on my end...
SO UNFAIR.. sob sob

Its 2pm now, Im so HUNGRY and its like FUCKING HUNGRY LOR.. cant understand why. I have eaten and still i feel so hungry. I hope someone can come and distract me from the hunger monster. Until then, I have to wait... wait... wait

But Im looking forward to 7pm, Irene and I are going shopping for bathroom scales.
I think I will get some fruit bar too, Emmanuel has asked me to eat multiple small meals to maintain my metabolism rate.

From now on, I'll be taking lotsa of fruits and water, to clear up my skin as well.

Breakfast-930am: A mini chiffon cake + coffee + more water
Lunch(1pm): A small Bao + 1 slice of watermelon & Papaya + more water.
Teabreak(230pm):Cup of Milo
Dinner: a little too sinful. small portion of dried pasta, with grill chicken chop without skin, and .. and... and... 2 chix wings. And 1 Ice coffee

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