Friday, December 26, 2008

I Eat and Eat and Eat!......

The medication is causing gastric pain, which in turn is making me hungry constantly.
At the rate im eating, I think i can balloon up quickly just over christmas.
For christ sake, Emma is timming my hunger pangs, accurate like a nursing baby, its exactly every 3 hrs. I will scream for food.
Lucky Im in malaysia, its not so accessible to get food, cuz you need to drive to get food, and I dont have a car, and we cant drive and there isnt any Macs delivery
So my only resort is , Milo and wholemeal bread.

Therefore , I decide I better do something about my diet, to eat lite and frequenty like every 3 hours. To Emma, its a good sign, he believe in the theory "Eat to lose weight".

Emma's theory - How it works:
1) Do not go on fasting diets! It only stops your metabolism rate and causing fats to be burn at a slower rate.

2) Eat light and small portion, split your 3 full meals into many small meals. In this way, you body will be able to digest and burn all the food intake completely, to make there is no excess to be converted into fats.

3) Eating frequently(small portion) means your body is working constantly, digesting the food, inturns increase metabolism rate. Therefore Fats are being burn off constantly.

Okay sounds amazing, should give it a try since i have no choice as I REALLY need to eat every 3 hours to fend off the gastric attacks. I just hope i wouldnt pile on extra weight during the festive season.

**Even my MIL ask if i put on weight, well isnt it obvious.... mom??!**

Lastest Updates on my Back Conditon:
I thought my back is getting better but clumsy me... almost slip and fell in the bathroom in the wee hours last night. Haiz I was still blur cuz Im half asleep.. its causing constant pain again the whole day today, but i was still able to go out for a few hours with the family. So its not getting as serious as DAY 1, so just hope for the better that the pain will be gone by tomorrow.

Marina was asking why am I so clumsy, still thought Im young meh!
Yeah right, I was clumsy since the day you know me dude! But yes, i think i need to learn to be more careful... haiz I guess age is catching up on me.

Im like a old lady trap in a 27 yr old FAT BODY!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hateful December

Woke yesterday morning with a shock. I couldnt move my body without feeling tremendous pain. What the hell happen??

As i recall, there wasnt any strenous activity out of the norm, I was still shopping for skincare the night before. I couldnt even move my legs.... Lower back was emitting serious warnings to my brain. Each move i take , sharp pains shot all the way to the nerves.

Its was 8.05 am... as I lie on bed trying to figure out what to do. I called Emma, he was with a client doing training.. which only ends at 9am. He will rush home straight after that.
While waiting, I try to get up.. I failed. Rolled to the side of my tummy was painful, pushed myself to sit up... more pain. Tried to stand... that is mission impossible... couldnt stand straight and i cant move my feets. I fell back onto the bed....

No choice... I couldnt go anywhere. Even the bathroom seems a long trek away. I continue to lie on bed.. and do stretching. No good, I cant curl my legs and hug them.

At long last 9.50am, Emma reach home. By then, I desperately need to go bathroom to relieve my bladder, any more delay i think I will pee on the bed!! He tried to help me get off the bed, I put my arms around his neck, while he carry me up.. in standing position. The pain was excuriating I cried. Seriously I have a good treshold for pain after all these years, but I cried. The pain was unbearable... as I tried to walk. It took me 5 mins to walk to the bathroom.
The pain extended to both side of my hip as i walked, and numbness sensation spread from my spine to my left foot sole.

As soon as Im back on Bed, Emma took out the painkiller and muscle relaxant for me. Only when the pain gets bearable.. he change me into new clothings and send me to CGH A&E.

Lucky for me. A&E was not crowded today, only waited for 30 mins and i seen the docter.
Weird Doc i would say, heck care attitude , skin head or bald... with diamond ear studs. As me to try reach for my knee cap and do squarting. Madness..... If he insist, Emma swear he will lash at him. Told him I couldnt squart, cant even reach for my knee area, then he put me on Jabs, and under observation for 2hrs

Ist time ever in my life, I was in a wheel chair... the nurse wheeled me to a bed on the observatory area to sleep and wait. Not something we expected... but still we wait.
after 1 hr, the pain reduce greatly due to the painkiller jab and we see the 'Punky' Doc again.

Couldnt explain what happen to me, so prescribed more painkiller and set me up with a specialist for through checks but its not immediate. Next earliest available date, Jan 12 09.
And gave me 2 days MC.

Shit I was in so much pain, and obviously as the doc mentioned, since i felt numbness all the way till my sole, it pretty much means nerves problem. Yet there was no immediate check and scan for me. Might as well I go to a normal GP, take the same painkiller shot and head home to sleep.
A&E charges was $75, but I would have received the same treatment from the normal GP at the cost of $40!

Its another 1 mth till the specialist appointment, would I have been paraysled and bedridden by then??
I think perhaps I should have go for TCm accupunture treatment this weekend, when the pain subsided.

Emma was pretty upset by the fact my back pain came back, this would have meant disruption to the gym training again and more restriction to the level of activity I could do.

Argh, I wish someone could tell me what happen!!!

Weighing Machine.... Reliable or not

Have been staying off gym for 2 weeks already, cuz i was seriously having bad bouts of migraine attacks and flu. Was far too stressed out from work, I booked a full body massage to de-stress.

Crap... Its either my weighing machine or their weighing machine is spolited. My weight still stands at 79.5... Holyshit so Nw Im back at square 1!!

But obviously, my clothes fits better now, my pants are losser.. and even the Tees i couldnt wear before fits again. What happen?? I ask Emma for a explaination on the numbers thingy

His explaination was "You might be losing weight, obvious results from the clothings. Weighing Machines, doesnt do much as you might have more muscle mass and less fat, and muscles are heavier." So I see..... more assured now.